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Welcome to the Old Cryptians’ Club website

The Club was founded in 1901 (see history) to support the historic Crypt Grammar School which began life in the heart of Gloucester in 1539. The original schoolroom still exists today in St. Mary de Crypt in Southgate Street, Gloucester which has, in recent years, been part of a huge redevelopment and is well worth a visit.

Throughout the year we organise a programme of events to attract former pupils of all ages. The main focus is our annual dinner which is usually held in March. The London Old Cryptians’ Club is affiliated to the main Club and their principal event is a dinner in or near the City in mid-November.

A highlight of the school year is Founders’ Day, held in the magnificent Gloucester Cathedral. Old Cryptians and their families are honoured guests at the service. The day concludes with a supper at which the incoming President is installed in the historic Parliament Rooms next to the Cathedral.

The Club encourages members worldwide to maintain contact with one another through this site and through social media. We provide a members’ register which contains summary contact details allowing members to look up former School friends.

Club members are very proud of the education that they received at the Crypt School and many choose to contribute to the Bursary Fund. This has charitable status and helps to bind the present School and Old Cryptians with bursaries awarded each year to current students.

Our President

I’m Matt Cass and I was at The Crypt School from 1984 – 1991. I’m Gloucester born and bred and still live and work in the city and consider it an honour to have gone to The Crypt School. I’m still close friends with many school friends and keep in touch with many of my classmates from that era. In fact over the last few years we have organised a class reunion where a good number of us have met up and had a great time catching up with each other – some of whom I had not seen since school days. It’s great to see how people have grown and succeeded, what jobs they have and who has moved to different countries.

This year I’m hoping that we can arrange a class reunion at the annual Old Cryptians’ meal in March which is normally at the school and hope you’ll be able to join me and maybe organise your own reunion for your class and year. The annual meal seems to me to be the perfect time to organise this sort of thing and reminisce about the old school days (good and bad) and the many things and people who have come and gone from those days. It’s also great to see the old school and how its grown over the years into the powerhouse it is today.