End of year reflections

A few thoughts and recollections as I near the end of the first half of my term as president of the OCC – it seems like the time has flown by.

This is available (with pictures!) as a pdf download from here – Christmas Update

School pavilion

The school has officially opened the very fine new pavilion – we will all have differing memories of the old wooden structure but I am sure none of us will be disappointed with its replacement. The weather was fairly kind for the opening ceremony which was well attended by OCCs from near and far, tempted by a very good lunch no doubt. We now have an excellent opportunity for sponsorship of a multisport electronic scoreboard, so please get in touch (


) if this is something of interest.

Centenary Bursary Fund

The Bursary Fund has benefitted greatly by a recent legacy from John Crowe who passed away earlier this year – the Fund is getting very close to self sufficiency meaning that we can continue to distribute £2,500 annually to current students to help them pursue sporting, artistic or academic goals. Recognition of this year’s recipients at Prize-giving was very well received. Our very own Jason Smith being the guest of honour for the evening and presenting prizes.


One of the goals for the OCC is to tighten the links with the existing pupils of the school and to offer representation at school careers events. Pupils are making very important decisions and having a pool of experience is a valuable resource for them. Please get in touch if you are willing to get involved. I recently attended a Business Breakfast at the school where around 120 Y10s questioned a mix of local business representatives about their roles and career decisions – a very enlightening time for me and hopefully piqued some interest with the pupils.

2020 AGM and Dinner

Plans are well in place for next year’s AGM and dinner which will once again be held in St. Mary de Crypt – make a note in your diary for March 28th and keep an eye out for the official announcement and booking form. Once again spaces will be limited to 100, so be sure to book early. It will be especially good to see members who joined or left (my cohort) in 1980.

Remembrance Day

The school Remembrance Day service was very moving and well attended by OCs; the school choir sang and the orchestra played beautifully and the honoured guest Imam Hassan reflected well on the follies of war. Unfortunately changes to the way that the British Legion organise the Cenotaph Parade in London meant that for the first time in many years, the school was not represented at the march. The Club is looking for a serving or ex- service person to lead the organisation for next year – please do get in touch (



London AGM and Dinner

Once again a merry band of OCs and the headmaster congregated on London in November to attend the London OCs annual general meeting and dinner. As is now customary, the evening was held in the Cheshire Cheese on Fleet Street. Much reminiscing accompanied a substantial meal during which toasts were made to the founders and absent friends and the school song was sung proudly.

Carol Service

The School Carol Service held at St. Barnabas church showcased the incredible level and variety of musical talent that the school possesses; from full orchestra and choir, to choral solo, chamber choir, saxophone quartet, brass group, a capella choir and the Y7/8 vocal group. The evening culminated with the orchestra playing an original piece composed by James Gabb (Y12). Mike Nuth represented the OCC by reading from Matthew 2.

Direct Debit

A reminder that we are moving to Direct Debit for membership fees collected through the GoCardless service – details on the website https://oldcryptians.org/membership/direct-debit/

Keep in touch

Please also sign up to the LinkedIn group – https://www.linkedin.com/groups/7410920/

As always, feel free to pass this on to friends/colleagues who were at the school and encourage them to join, or at least sign up to the LinkedIn group – the more members and interested parties we have the better we will be able to support the school and former pupils.


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