A Message from the President Clive Thomas

The 475th Anniversary of the Foundation of the Crypt in 1539

In 2014 the O.C.C. committee would like to mark this special occasion with the publication of a book of photos and prints of the School and of the Old Cryptians’ Club.

It is intended that the book will reflect fully the rich variety in the life of the Crypt community since 1539.

The Headmaster has given his full support to this project.

In order to locate potential photos for inclusion in the book I am seeking your co-operation in sending any photographs for consideration by our Editorial Team.

The Team are unable to promise that all photos sent in will be published. However, your inputs will provide us with a wider selection to choose from.

Please send a.s.a.p. any photos, labelled and dated to:


‘Penlan’, Cheltenham Road, Pitchcombe, Stroud. GL6 6LZ.

T: 01452 812638

Many thanks for your help.


Clive Thomas
President O.C.C. 2012/13.

4 February 2013

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