Activities Week July 2013 – Help needed!

With the Crypt School’s 475th anniversary  rapidly approaching, an Activities Week has been organised for the period 8th – 12th JulyThe theme this year is ‘life’, in particular ‘the life of the school’.  This will be the beginning of a time line of major events from world history which have taken place since the school was founded in 1539. 

 The plans so far are to ask Bill Spear to come back into school and run a trip up Robins Wood Hill as he does a talk about how Gloucester has changed.  It is hoped  that John Aston will talk about the archives that he has in the Library.  It is also hoped that an Old Cryptian could come in and do a talk about their experience of the history of the school (or anything that they are willing to offer). 

 The talk would be for two days, to two different groups, so same thing both days.

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