Criteria for consideration by the Trustees in awarding bursaries
Beneficiaries will be in full time attendance at the Crypt School.
1. Applicants will be expected to demonstrate:
1.1. special skill or talent in academic subjects, music, drama, art, technology or sport
1.2. the need for special travelling costs, books , clothes, equipment, musical instruments or tuition
1.3. the desirability of attending school trips or seminars or incurring other relevant expense.
2. The Trustees may, without having any obligation to do so, consider the personal circumstances of applicants.
3. These criteria may be amended by unanimous decision of the Trustees at any time provided that the criteria for the time being do not breach the objects of the Charity.
“The objective of the Fund is to improve and widen the educational and life skills of students at the Crypt School, Gloucester.
This objective would be achieved by awarding bursaries to talented or gifted pupils of the school, providing them with funds not normally available to them, to pursue their talents, and improve their performance in their specialist area.”
In the early years a lot of the awards went to non-academic students for activities such as Music, Drama and Sport, however in the past year the trustees have decided to be far more prescriptive on the awards process.
It has been agreed that the variety of the awards should be diverse and inclusive, rather than focusing just on sport and the arts. Future awards will therefore be made in the following categories:-
It is also important that on making these awards, the trustees should apply some form of means testing, to ensure that the funds are particularly targeted at the less fortunate students.
Objectives For The Coming Years
In order to ensure that the capital of the Fund is protected, it is essential that we increase the level of regular donations each year. The trustees are looking at a number of schemes that will incentivise Old Cryptians to commit to making a regular donation each year, which will boost the current level of £1,450 to £3,000 pa.
All that is needed is 31 additional people to make an annual donation by standing order of £50 to achieve this target! So if you are reading this, and feel that you can spare £50 a year towards assisting potential students achieve their ambitions, please download the forms from the website, or email me at cl***@cl**********.uk and I will provide you with all the information you need.
Why Make A Donation To The Fund?
Since 1945 we estimate that some 6000 pupils have received the distinctive quality of education that is part of the rich tradition and inheritance of the Crypt School. So many have been successful in a very broad range of careers and the Crypt can pride itself on its effective groundwork in setting so many of those persons on their way in life.
We are convinced that the Bursary Award Scheme is currently our most effective way of supporting the School and this after all is our principal purpose (see the Club’s Constitution). We are all aware of the tremendous upsurge in the School’s performance in recent years and of the first rate opportunities of a high-class style of education that it now affords all its pupils.
The Bursary Awards’ Scheme goes one step further. The scheme provides an opportunity for the current and future generations of young Cryptians of high ability and motivation to obtain the specialist tuition, essential equipment and other assistance that will enable them to raise their standards still higher. And not only these pupils but also the whole School will benefit – for these richly talented pupils become the main thrust in the School orchestra or the School dramatic productions or the School teams, or go on to recognise the school as turning out high academic achievers. Such high levels of achievement are essential if the Crypt School is to continue to attract the most able boys and girls from the widest social background.
So whether it is by making an annual donation, or writing a codicil to your will, making a final bequest to the fund, you can be assured that those funds will help some budding young Cryptian towards achieving their potential and preserving the traditions of such a great school.
Thank you in advance for your continuing support.
Richard Browning – Chairman, Bursary Trustees.