Calling Future Committee Members

We are looking for new committee members to support the future work of the Old Cryptians’ Club and bring in the skills we need to achieve this.

The Club has a long tradition and heritage, stretching back for more than 100 years. But it also must adapt to ensure and secure its future, reflecting the school as it is now and meeting the needs of younger generations. Most important is enthusiasm and a commitment for change, although we’re particularly interested in former pupils with skills in the following areas;

  • Finance
  • Website/tech skills
  • Communications (online and print)
  • Events
  • Membership/networking

The OCC committee comprises 12 members including officers i.e. President, Vice President, Treasurer and one ex-officio who represents the Centenary Bursary Fund. Committee members are elected for two years and if they so wish can stand for re-election in March at the AGM.

The committee meets 3 times a year, usually in October, January and May (hybrid or virtual) with the AGM in March before the Annual Dinner. Meetings last 90 minutes and are agenda based with reports available before the meeting to allow time for questions/decisions/actions.

Being on a Committee is rewarding and helps you develop skills useful both for work and life. Former pupils of any age or background will always have something to give. If you think you could contribute a small amount of your time please do get in touch with our President Simon Smith (email address president at to discuss further.

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