Christmas Greetings from OC President

Well, what a year we have experienced. Back in February when we were contemplating how we could manage the AGM and dinner in March I am sure none of us were expecting to be still in the grip of this pandemic at Christmas.

Each and every one of us have been impacted and on behalf of the Club I would like to offer my sincere condolences to those that have suffered losses over the year. I sincerely hope that the vast majority remain in good health and good spirits and are looking forward to a break over Christmas, although probably not the Christmas we all are used to.

As a committee, we have made changes to how we operate and along with many others we have embraced the digital world and hold our meetings on line. We will be sending details in the new year about the arrangements for our 2021 AGM. Unfortunately there will be no March AGM and dinner, although I like to think that we will be able to hold an event later in the year once the vaccinations have done their thing.

I have been very impressed with the measures that the school has implemented to ensure that learning continues for all pupils, especially those preparing for exams and those who have required additional support. The regular videos posted to YouTube show that life in school continues with the usual events and plenty of music – well done. I recommend taking some time to see how the school has marked events such as Founders’ Day and the Remembrance Service.

On Thursday 17 December the annual Christmas Carol Service was broadcast on YouTube and made available for later viewing.

Finally, on behalf of all Old Cryptians everywhere, I wish you a safe and healthy Christmas and much better New Year.



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