Christmas greetings from the Head

Dear Old Cryptians,
It has been a quite extraordinary year for us all, but I do hope that this note from your old school finds you all safe and well. The Crypt has endured through the ups and downs of the last 9 months, as it always has, and I think risen tremendously well to the challenges we have all faced. The students take great heart from knowing that the School has endured many, and indeed more demanding challenges in its long and distinguished history, which gives them the resolve needed to cope with the challenges of the present.
I have been immensely proud to be the Headmaster of the School over this period, as it has been a real privilege to lead and work with such a wonderfully committed group of staff and a fine set of young people.
I wish you all a safe and happy Christmas and we hope for better days ahead.
My very best wishes,


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