An Invitation to Join our Friends Scheme

Discover DeCrypt is the Heritage Lottery Funded project to renovate St Mary de Crypt Church and the Old Crypt Schoolroom on Southgate Street, Gloucester. Both the church and the school are important buildings for Old Cryptians. We need your friendship and your support as we take this project forward. A Friends Scheme shows the Heritage Lottery Fund that we have local, national and international support and this is important. You can become a Friend for free: please fill out the attached Friends Membership Form today! Importantly, we also need pledges of financial support before we can apply for the second phase of Heritage Lottery funding.  You may be in a position to give a one off donation or to donate a monthly sum. Any financial gift is welcome however large or small. If you can help financially, please indicate on the Friends Membership Form too. Thank you.

Website supported by Cass Stephens

Cass Stephens