Impressive A Level results

The Crypt School has achieved another set of impressive A Level results: 82% of grades achieved were A*-C, with an overall pass mark of 99% A*-E.

Notable individual successes include: Will Matson, 3 A* and 1 A; Austen Tulodziecki, 3 A*’s; Nathan Browne and Louis Staley, 2 A*’s and 1 A; Sam Berry, Callum Brignall, Seb Golding and Jack Greening 1 A* and 2 A’s; Harry Pearce, 2A*’s and 1 B; Henry Ip and Jacob Charles, 3 A’s; Jacob Wilson A*, A and B Jamal Farooq, 2 A’s and 2 B’s.

Nicholas Dyer, Headmaster, commented: “I am very pleased with the success of our Year 13 cohort, in a year when nearly all our students were studying the newly reformed A Levels.

Their success is the product of both the hard work of the students and the dedicated support of their teachers. I am also delighted with the impressive set of university destinations that our students are heading to in the autumn and equally pleased to see a very good number of students who have now secured leading apprenticeships with local and national companies that combine work with studying for a degree.

These good A Level results send out a very strong signal to those students in Year 11 who are thinking of coming to The Crypt to study for their A Levels: you too can achieve highly in our outstanding sixth form.”

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