Notes from the AGM, 15th March, 2008

Election of Officers – 2008/2009

President : Paul James (1984-1991)
Vice-President : John Goodridge (1940-1950)
Secretary : Howard Allen
Treasurer : Clive Thomas
Membership Secretary : Derek Howell

Committee : Damian Atkinson, Richard Browning, Robert Timms, Colin Belcher

Election to: Honorary Life Membership:

Bill Bray. M.B.E. (1926-1931),
Graham Russell (1943-1950),
Gordon Hill (1949-1955),
John Goodridge (1940-1950),
Douglas Perks (1945-1950),
Derek Howell (1949-1954).

Reform of the Constitution:

The decision was taken to postpone any reform of the Constitution at the AGM. The President has commented as follows:

As you know, the constitution can only be amended at an AGM and, by hindsight, it became clear at the meeting that we had to find a more effective way of enabling a series of votes to be taken at the AGM in 2009.

Your committee will be giving thought to this process because the 2007/2008 Committee were clear that the issues of the revision and reform were not going to go away no matter whatever some members may have wished!

There is no constitutional provision for proxy votes at present but we shall have a go at producing a process that endeavours to be inclusive of the views of those members who wish to contribute.

We will keep you posted!

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