Old Cryptians’ Club eNews October 2019


OCC eNews

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Adam Ashby
(1973 – 1978)

The School would like to warmly invite Old Cryptians to the
Annual Remembrance Service on Monday, 11 November at 10.30am  

If anyone is interested in attending, please could they email  swales@crypt.gloucs.sch.uk and arrive at the school for 10.15am

London Old Cryptians’ Club Annual Dinner

The 2019 London Old Cryptians’ Club Annual Dinner

Ye Olde Cheshire Cheese, 145 Fleet Street, LONDON, EC4A 2BU

Saturday 16 November from 6.00pm

Please click here for further details and booking form

A message from your Membership Secretary…….

final few email addresses

This is a plea, supported by our President, from the Membership Secretary, to those remaining 12% of Old Cryptians who do not have an email address.

We really must stop posting to members (even 2nd class letter costs 61p) in favour of 100% email.  However the Cryptian will continue to be posted to those members who still like to receive a printed copy as one of their subscription benefits.

If you know of any fellow Old Cryptians who do not use email please would you kindly have a word with them to encourage them to provide an email address, it need not be their own. Perhaps they have a tech savvy relative who is prepared to pass on messages, invitations and our eNews newsletter in printed form.

In doing this you would be helping to significantly lower our administration costs.

Many thanks,

Richard Briggs (1955-63)
Membership Secretary
01694 723845
07870 401399

The Cryptian has returned!


The Cryptian was distributed to members at the annual school prizegiving in September. The Head, Nick Dyer commented “I am delighted that the Cryptian magazine, after a short absence, is now back and, I have to say, looking very good indeed”.
If you haven’t received your copy via post or personal delivery
it should be with you very soon.


Membership information: https://oldcryptians.org/membership/

Membership Direct Debit: https://oldcryptians.org/membership/direct-debit/





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Old Cryptians’ Club

The Crypt School
Podsmead Road

Gloucester, GL2 5AE

United Kingdom

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