On yer bike Briggs – update

Richard has closed the crowdfunding page and has raised well over £600 (plus a further £100 in Giftaid) for the Bursary Fund,

OCC stalwart and budding Eddie Merckx has completed a 400+ miles cycling trip to explore the countryside of Northern Ireland and to sample sea cliffs on the Wild Atlantic Way.  He is raising money for an education charity that has been running for 21 years.

The Crypt School in Gloucester sets high standards but many aspirational pupils come from homes where money is scarce. Here the OCC Centenary Bursary Fund can help.

“I start and finish in Belfast and hope to learn more about this city at election time when many questions are being asked about Northern Ireland and its future. My story will form the basis of a Cryptian article.”

Richard Briggs (1955-63)

Website supported by Cass Stephens

Cass Stephens