Reunion Dinner

Hello from your new president,

Some years ago, a close school friend of mine organised a reunion for our year and his brother’s year.

It was very successful and almost 30 people turned up from the two years, some of whom I had not seen since my school days. We all had a great time catching up and finding out what everyone had been up to, finding out how well people had done, who had married, who had kids, reminiscing about the good old days and our time at school and as much as I enjoyed it, I couldn’t help feeling that we were actually missing a trick!

To me the perfect time for a reunion is the annual dinner when everyone from all the different years turn up and catch up with each other. It’s made for it. So, this year I plan for the annual dinner to be a ‘reunion dinner’ and hope that you as an Old Cryptian will do your best to come and catch up with other members of your year. Try and get as many of your school friends to come along to represent your year and we can all have a great time finding out what we’ve been up to and next year we can do it all over again. Let’s make it an annual event.

Since I’ve become President of The Old Cryptians, I’ve bumped into at least 2 friends who I haven’t seen since school and have enjoyed immensely finding out about their lives. They said they would come to meet up with fellow school friends from our year and would tell those that might not be on social media or on the email list of The Old Cryptians’ Club.

This year the annual dinner will be on Saturday 29th March 2025. It’s also the same day as Gloucester play Bristol Bears; so, if you’re into your rugby, you can make a day and night of it.

Our AGM takes place at 6.15pm, drinks 6.45 and meal at 7.30.

As part of the reunion theme, we are holding the event at the school in the school hall and I’ve organised for several tours of the school, so you can see just how the school has grown since you were last there. Please get in touch if you would like a tour of the school.

So please come along, if only to catch up with friends you haven’t seen since your school days.

Let’s make this reunion dinner a success and continue for many years to come.

I’ll see you there.

Matt Cass
OCC President 2024-2025


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