The Crypt School 2020 A Level Results

Our Year 13 students, whose opportunity to sit their A Level exams in May was abruptly, if understandably cancelled due to Covid-19, should be rightly proud this morning that their tremendous work and effort, over almost two years of study, has been recognised with a very strong set of A Level results.  67% of the grades awarded were the top A*-B grades, with 90% of grades at the A*-C level.  The students should be very proud of their achievements and can now look forward to progressing onto their chosen destinations to start the next phase of their lives.

Teachers and other staff at The Crypt, worked tremendously hard to help support the students over their two years of Advanced Level study, as well as through the difficult period following the closure of all schools on the 20th of March.

NC Dyer – Headmaster

The committee offer their heartiest congratulations to all students, teachers and staff on behalf of all OCC members.


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