Your chance to take on the Symphony of a Thousand

Fancy taking on one of the largest-scale choral works in classical music history?

The South Cotswold Big Sing Group (SCBSG) are running a workshop this month on Gustav Mahler’s Symphony no.8.

Due to the huge instrumental and vocal forces needed to perform it, the piece is nicknamed Symphony of a Thousand.

The group is holding the workshop from 10am-4pm at the Crypt School, Gloucester, on April 27.

Adrian Partington, director of music at Gloucester Cathedral, is running the workshop.

Tea and coffee will be provided and scores are available either to hire or purchase.

Booking is required if you would like to take part, with places £25 per singer.

Forms are available from Jos Gregson ( 01454 411652 or or they can be downloaded from

The SCBSG will be performing the work as part of the Cheltenham Music Festival in July 2020. Taking part in the workshop means you will be first on the list for an invitation to participate in the performance.



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