The Cryptian 2020-21

David Goodwin Lane QC (1957-65)

The Club is grateful to Graham Russell for bringing to our attention the sad passing of David Lane on October 6th.

David was a Queens Counsel and Recorder of Crown Court (Rtd.) who after Crypt had studied law at Kings College London & was awarded its Gold Medal.

Dearest husband of Jacky, Father to Antonia and Julian, Beloved Grandpa of Joel.

His service was held at Cheltenham Crematorium (Oak Chapel), on Monday, 25th October 2021 at 2.00 p.m.

We send our condolences to his family and friends.


Richard Evans (1948-1954)

Howard Allen writes to inform us of the sad news that Richard Evans (1948-1954) has died on 10th September 2021.

I regret to inform you of the death of a very dear friend – Richard Evans. We came together in 1947 when Richard arrived in The Oval from Anglo Egyptian Sudan where his father was a railway engineer.

Richard was a member of 1st XV and 1st XI (1954) also a superb swimmer for Whitefield House. He played for many years for OCRFC prior to his move to Chelmsford in mid 1970s.

He served for 4 years in RAF-technical branch. (1954-1958) before embarking on a career in electronic marketing.

I have conveyed to Sandra and family condolences of OCC. Richard was a stalwart member for many years, but had been resident in a care home in the latter part of his life.



John Hopkin (1943-49)

John Hopkin (1943-49) died in November 2020, aged 90 years.
He became a member of OCC on leaving school and made 346 appearances for the OCRFC.
After Oxford he joined the Inland Revenue.



Founders’ Day service

This year, the Founders’ Day service will be live streamed on the Crypt School YouTube channel on

Tuesday 22 June at 7.00pm

Headmaster, Nick Dyer would like to invite Old Cryptians and friends to watch the Founders’ Day service in the comfort of your own home this year.

eNews June 2020

eNews May 2020

eNews January/February 2020

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eNews Jan/Feb 2020

Coffee and Prayer Together


Brexit is a cause of great celebration for some and great sadness for others. But now is the time when we must come together to serve the common good in our city, our nation and in our relationship with the rest of Europe. Whatever the future holds, Christians believe that we can entrust the future to God; therefore there is always hope.

The Archbishops and our own Bishops too have urged us all to listen to one another and to pray together too. Whether you voted leave or remain, what are the three main things that we have in common that we can build on for a better future as a community?

You are invited to gather to discuss this question and others over coffee in the schoolroom at Discover DeCrypt on Friday 31 January 11.00-12.30. Let’s find common ground together and commit the future to God. 

Canon Nikki Arthy


Pancakes for Shrove Tuesday 

Tuesday 25 February 3.00-7.00pm

Join us in the Schoolroom for pancakes on Shrove Tuesday any time between 3.00pm and 7.00pm.  Our willing chefs will be preparing delicious pancakes with a range of toppings including bananas and cream, maple syrup with strawberries…and lemon and sugar for the die-hard traditionalists!  Tea and coffee will also be available.

‘Shrove’ comes from the verb ‘to shrive’ which means to confess. In the Middle Ages Christians went to confess their sins the day before Ash Wednesday, which marked the start of Lent. As Lent was a time of fasting, when meat and dairy were prohibited, Pancakes were eaten on Shrove Tuesday to use up all the forbidden eggs, cream, butter and milk.

Donations will go to the Church Urban Fund.  CUF was established by the Church of England as a practical response to unmet need and has been active in local communities for over 30 years. It works through the Church of England’s local parish networks, and alongside other faith-based and secular organisations, to bring about positive, long-term, sustainable change in neighbourhoods. It works through building trust, empowering local people to have a go at addressing the areas of greatest need in their communities, and speaking out against injustice.

Every Friday:

Coffee, Cake and Conversation 10.30am-12.30pm

Prayers for the City 1.00pm

LGBT+ Rainbow Cuppa @DeCrypt 
Wednesdays 29 January & 26 February 1.00-3.00pm


We are delighted to be co-hosting the Rainbow Cuppa together with LGBT+ Partnership Cheltenham, Gloucestershire & connected areas and Age UK Gloucestershire.  Come and enjoy a cuppa and a chat in a safe, friendly and calm space for all LGBT+ folk and allies, supported by the broader community.

New to Discover DeCrypt the first of a monthly

FUNtastic Community Fair

Saturday 8 February 10.00am-3.00pm

“Cake is a symbol of joy, celebration, belonging, friendship and love.”

Viva O’Flynn grew up in the Philippines where she learned to bake from her grandmother, helping in the kitchen from the age of 5.  For Viva,  you eat cake to enjoy life.:

“The wafting aroma of freshly baked homemade goods transports me back to my childhood years and I’m filled with love.  Whenever I bake, I listen to love songs, so my secret recipe, which isn’t so secret any more, is love.”

Viva studied as a chef at Le Cordon Bleu, London. Since marrying and settling in Gloucestershire, she has started a highly successful business, Love Viva Cakes and Crafts, last year winning Creative Business of the Year Runner Up and Best New Business Finalist awarded by the Women’s Business Club.

Her latest enterprise is a series of ‘Funtastic Craft Fairs’ to be held here at Discover DeCrypt once a month.  The first is on Saturday 8th February from 10.00am until 3.00pm. There will be delicious cakes, lovely handmade crafts, gifts and lots of shopping for everyone. And it’s free entry. With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, stop in for a taste of Viva’s cakes and crafts and take home a little love! 


Half Term Creative Crafty Club
Wesdnesday 19th February
Thursday 20th
Friday 21st
11.00am – 12.30pm

Looking for some free, fun family activity over Half Term?

Come and get creative with paint, pens, glue and glitter.  We’ll be taking our pencils for a walk, painting to music, exploring watercolours and thinking colourfully about spring…Ideal for 7-12 year olds, but younger children will manage well with a bit of adult help. There is no charge, but we invite a donation to help cover the cost of materials. More information on the website

Gardening in the Churchyard

The birds are singing, green shoots are struggling up through the mud and spring is on the way….how about a little gardening?  Starting with the weekend of February 1st and 2nd, we will be inviting enthusiastic volunteers to join us in the churchyard on the first weekend of each month for whatever seasonal tasks are required. This month it will be mainly weeding, clearing brambles and nettles and litter picking.  You don’t need to be a knowledgeable gardener (though gardeners are most welcome!) just be sure to bring a pair of gloves and any tools you might have.  Discover DeCrypt will offer hot tea and coffee and a place to warm up when your fingers get chilled. Let’s make the churchyard into a beautiful and safe community space for all to enjoy.

Reminder: the churchyard is in the care of the City Council, which provides a team periodically to do the heavy work. Discover DeCrypt is joining with neighbours, residents and local gardeners to form a community group for maintaining and improving the churchyard. If you’d like to get involved, come along to a gardening weekend and introduce yourself.

Keep up to date with news and events on our Facebook page and Twitter





Project Office t:01452 305235

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You are receiving this email as you registered an interest to receive news from us.

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Discover DeCrypt

St Mary de Crypt Church and the Old Crypt Schoolrooms
Southgate Street

Gloucester, GL1 1TP

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eNews December 2019

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eNews December 2019


All dressed up for

Singing, storytelling and…more mince pies 

This Saturday 14 December there’ll be Carol Singing for Christian Aid from 10.30am outside in Southgate Street, with mince pies and hot drinks in the Schoolroom.  Then in the afternoon Chloe of the Midnight Storytellers brings us some Festive Fables at 2.15pm. Free family storytelling – take a break from Christmas shopping and settle down with a cup of tea or mulled apple juice.

Struggling with your Christmas shopping? Help is here!

If you are struggling with your Christmas shopping, don’t despair!  We will be holding a Christmas ‘Pop-up’ shop every Saturday in December up to Christmas. This will be a festival arrangement of our current stock, with some additional goods from local crafters. We will also be serving seasonal refreshments: mulled apple juice, hot chocolate and mince pies/Christmas biscuits. Beautiful, original gifts that also support Discover DeCrypt…how can you resist?

Tree of Remembrance

For many of us Christmas is a time when we particularly remember those we love who are no longer with us to share the festive season. In the chancel is a tree where you can hang a star with the name of a loved one and leave a prayer request if you wish.

Three Wise Mop Men

Come and visit our walk-in nativity in the Raikes Chapel

This year we have a beautiful collection of mop people representing the Holy Family, shepherds and wise men. Come and say hello!

2020 Art and Craft Workshops

Booking opens in January

We have an exciting programme of art and craft workshops coming in 2020. There will be mosaics, painting with pastels, watercolour, clay coil pots, basket weaving, wet felting, gift making workshops and family workshops.  We’ll be posting dates in January.  If you’d like to go on the list for Early Bird booking discounts please email 


We will be closed for Christmas from Monday 23 December to Wednesday 1 January inclusive. Have a very merry Christmas and happy new year!

Dates for your diary…

Sunday 19 January         Christian Unity Service at 6pm  
Thursday 30 January      Brexit Coffee Morning at 11.00am
Tuesday 25 February      Pancakes for Shrove Tuesday 5.00pm

Keep up to date with news and events on our Facebook page and Twitter





Project Office t:01452 305235

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Feedback is appreciated

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You are receiving this email as you registered an interest to receive news from us.

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Discover DeCrypt Project Office

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Old Cryptians’ Club eNews October 2019


OCC eNews

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Adam Ashby
(1973 – 1978)

The School would like to warmly invite Old Cryptians to the
Annual Remembrance Service on Monday, 11 November at 10.30am  

If anyone is interested in attending, please could they email and arrive at the school for 10.15am

London Old Cryptians’ Club Annual Dinner

The 2019 London Old Cryptians’ Club Annual Dinner

Ye Olde Cheshire Cheese, 145 Fleet Street, LONDON, EC4A 2BU

Saturday 16 November from 6.00pm

Please click here for further details and booking form

A message from your Membership Secretary…….

final few email addresses

This is a plea, supported by our President, from the Membership Secretary, to those remaining 12% of Old Cryptians who do not have an email address.

We really must stop posting to members (even 2nd class letter costs 61p) in favour of 100% email.  However the Cryptian will continue to be posted to those members who still like to receive a printed copy as one of their subscription benefits.

If you know of any fellow Old Cryptians who do not use email please would you kindly have a word with them to encourage them to provide an email address, it need not be their own. Perhaps they have a tech savvy relative who is prepared to pass on messages, invitations and our eNews newsletter in printed form.

In doing this you would be helping to significantly lower our administration costs.

Many thanks,

Richard Briggs (1955-63)
Membership Secretary
01694 723845
07870 401399

The Cryptian has returned!


The Cryptian was distributed to members at the annual school prizegiving in September. The Head, Nick Dyer commented “I am delighted that the Cryptian magazine, after a short absence, is now back and, I have to say, looking very good indeed”.
If you haven’t received your copy via post or personal delivery
it should be with you very soon.


Membership information:

Membership Direct Debit:





Copyright © 2019 Old Cryptians’ Club, All rights reserved.
You are receiving this email as you are a member of the Old Cryptians’ Club

Our mailing address is:

Old Cryptians’ Club

The Crypt School
Podsmead Road

Gloucester, GL2 5AE

United Kingdom

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